timestamp1739175853498Meilisearch 1.12by Carolina FerreiraMeilisearch 1.12 brings significant indexing speed improvement and introduces new APIs disable prefix search and facet search, and retrieve task batches.
timestamp1730194151488Meilisearch 1.11by Carolina FerreiraMeilisearch 1.11 advances AI-powered search toward stabilization with key improvements, including binary quantization. This release also enhances federated search functionality based on user feedback. y based on user feedback.
timestamp1725382071663Meilisearch 1.10.1by Laurent CazanoveMeilisearch 1.10.1 improves search under heavy loads and speeds up documents deletion.
timestamp1724835832065Meilisearch 1.10by Laurent CazanoveMeilisearch 1.10 introduces federated search and locale settings, and paves the way for AI-powered search stabilization.
timestamp1721124945319We value your feedback!by Hassan AllakkisHi there! Could you please take a moment to rate your recent experience with us? Your feedback helps us improve and provide better service.
timestamp1718873681361Meilisearch v1.8.3by Laurent CazanoveMeilisearch 1.8.3 fixes a bug that can lead to memory leaks.
timestamp1718102338444Meilisearch v1.8.2by Laurent CazanoveMeilisearch 1.8.2 fixes a bug causing freezes when received many concurrent search requests.
timestamp1716391351973Meilisearch 1.8.1by Laurent CazanoveThis patch release includes a fix for geo search users. Upgrade your Meilisearch version from your project’s settings page.
timestamp1715608389590Meilisearch 1.8by Laurent CazanoveNew engine versionMeilisearch 1.8 brings negative keyword search, improvements in search robustness and AI search, including new embedders.